Riding a motorcycle can be dangerous, especially if you don’t feel like you have all the tools to drive safely. But did you know there are a few concepts you can remember to increase your overall welfare and keep others safe on the road?
If you keep the four A’s—Ability, Awareness, Action, and Attitude—at the top of your mind while you ride, rest assured you’ll be taking every precaution you can. But how do each of these make you more cautious and safe on the road?
What Are the Four A’s of Motorcycle Safety in Florida?
Here’s everything you need to know about the four A’s of motorcycle safety.
To ensure you can ride your motorcycle safely, you need to know precisely how to handle your bike. This means you must be able to make a few moves quickly, including using your emergency brakes, swerving out of the way, shifting gears, smoothly and quickly starting and stopping, and navigating the curves of the road.
The best way to acquire all these skills is to take motorcycle classes or lessons from professional instructors, as these experts will guide you through everything you need to know before you hop onto a bike. Even if you’re licensed to drive a motorcycle, taking one of these classes may be helpful. Did you know those who take long breaks from riding a motorcycle, even when they’re legally licensed to drive, are the most likely to make mistakes?
You may also be better equipped to avoid these errors and accidents if you take the time to become better educated.
This applies to everyone on the road, but it’s especially required for motorcyclists. Because you’re using a vehicle smaller than the average car, being aware of your surroundings makes you far less likely to be accidentally hit by someone who didn’t see you on the street.
Therefore, looking up from your bike and keeping your eyes on the road is essential. Better yet, it’s best to watch as far ahead as possible, as this allows you to be aware of your surroundings in advance. You can also weave in your lane, from side to side, to make sure other drivers can see you. These tactics permit you to be as prepared as possible and determine how to avoid certain risks with the skills at your disposal.
However, this does not mean you can take more risks the more skilled you become, as you’ll find yourself far more likely to get into trouble or an accident. Look out for road signs and potential obstacles. This may include objects in the road such as recently lost car parts or kids’ toys, mailboxes, or signs which warn you of potential street variations. Additionally, to ensure you see everything you need, make sure you only drive when you are alert and awake.
You might encounter situations where you need to take action on the road. In these scenarios, you’ll likely use the tactics you learned from a professional instructor. For example, you can take action by accelerating out of danger, slowing down to give yourself more reaction time, or stopping quickly when necessary.
It also might be helpful to use all parts of your lane, including the right, middle, and left. This might allow you to create more space between yourself and other vehicles and give you a better view of the road in front of you.
If you’d like, you can also call this section “Angry,” as it’s best to avoid driving while you’re frustrated. Anger can be blinding and make you significantly more likely to use poor judgment and wind up in an accident. Why is this the case?
You can easily get too stuck in your head, causing you to stop paying attention to the road. Anger can also make you more likely to react aggressively, like when you glare at someone who cut you off. Instead of using these actions, it’s better to put aside your ego and yield to other aggressive drivers. If necessary, feel free to take a break from riding your motorcycle until you’ve calmed down.
Team Up With a Florida Motorcycle Attorney From Baker Legal Team
If you’ve been in an accident, even after following all of the necessary safety precautions, it’s important to contact a lawyer as soon as possible. Motorcycle accidents don’t have to be overwhelming, especially when you allow the Baker Legal Team to help you with your case. This personal injury legal team may be able to help you put an end to your suffering with their more than 30 years of experience and legal expertise. Robert Baker is a Board-Certified personal injury attorney and leads his team to help those who need it, especially in catastrophic situations.
If you’d like more information, fill out our contact form or call (561) 320-0000.