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Can I Recover Compensation for Chronic Pain From a Crash Injury?

A person’s life can change in an instant because of a car accident. Injuries sustained from a crash usually take weeks or months to heal, and chronic pain may linger for the remainder of a victim’s life. Although no amount of money can take away chronic pain, victims can pursue and recover compensation for chronic pain in a personal injury lawsuit against the responsible party. The compensation for chronic pain falls into the category of non-economic damages, as pain cannot be calculated objectively like lost wages or medical bills.

If you have been in a car accident and your crash injuries have resulted in chronic pain, you should consult with an experienced personal injury attorney who may be able to help you recover the maximum amount of damages possible. At Baker Legal Team, our board-certified lawyers want to help victims recover compensation for their chronic pain. We understand how difficult it is to live with chronic pain, and we want to fight for you.

What Is Chronic Pain?

Many victims of car accidents experience acute pain stemming from their injuries, but some victims may have pain that lingers long after those injuries have healed. Chronic pain is pain that lasts more than six months after the traumatic event that caused the specific injury. Unfortunately, many people suffer from chronic pain for the rest of their lives. The following are a few of the possible chronic conditions that can result from a crash injury:

  • Neck pain
  • Back pain
  • Headaches
  • Arthritis 
  • Nerve pain

Chronic pain not only impacts your physical condition, but it also lowers your overall quality of life. Your chronic pain may impact your ability to work, and you may not be able to do the regular activities of daily life that you enjoyed before your accident. If you suffer from chronic pain due to a crash injury, you can pursue compensation in a personal injury lawsuit against the responsible party.

How Can I Recover Compensation for Chronic Pain Caused by a Crash Injury?

In a personal injury lawsuit, there is a difference between economic and non-economic damages. Economic damages are the monetary losses that a victim suffers because of the other party’s actions or negligence. Such economic damages could include lost wages and medical bills, among other calculable losses. 

On the other hand, non-economic damages cannot be calculated objectively. For example, there is no concrete amount of money that can be assigned to someone’s suffering. Because non-economic damages cannot be calculated objectively, many factors are considered when deciding what amount should be awarded. Chronic pain that lasts indefinitely and significantly impacts a person’s quality of life will be considered when calculating non-economic damages.

Generally, a crash injury victim has two years from the date of the accident to file a personal injury lawsuit. If you wish to recover non-economic damages for your chronic pain, you will need evidence that supports your claims and shows how the pain negatively impacts you. You will want to keep all records of your medical care in order to prove that your injuries are the source of your chronic pain. You and your personal injury attorney will use the relevant evidence to prove the extent of your pain and suffering caused by your chronic pain.

Let the Skilled Personal Injury Lawyers With Baker Legal Team Handle Your Case Today

Victims of automobile crashes often experience lingering pain for the rest of their lives. Chronic pain can manifest as headaches, neck pain, back pain, or even arthritis. If you are suffering from chronic pain after a crash injury, you may be able to recover compensation in the form of non-economic damages. Our skilled team of personal injury lawyers has helped many victims receive compensation for their chronic pain, and we would be happy to discuss your case.

Baker Legal Team’s experienced and board-certified personal injury lawyers want to help you fight for compensation for your chronic pain. To schedule a free consultation with a member of our team, you can call (561) 320-000 or fill out our contact form today.

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