Florida is known for its large population of citizens who are 65 years or older. In fact, it has been reported that Florida, along with California and Texas, is home to one-third of America’s elderly population. While there are older people who live independently or with relatives, a large population of older people live in Nursing Homes in Florida due to their need for specialized care and medical treatment. While nursing homes can be an excellent place for your loved ones to live and be cared for, many reports of nursing home abuse occur at the hands of staff and caretakers.
Baker Legal Team is an experienced nursing home abuse law firm who have helped clients whose loved ones have suffered at the hands of nursing home staff and caretakers. If you are sending a loved one to a nursing home in South Florida, there are steps you can take to make sure they are protected.
7 Ways to Protect Your Loved Ones in South Florida Nursing Homes
When you choose a nursing home for your elderly loved one, you trust the staff and caretakers within that facility with their well-being. Unfortunately, that is not always the case. It has been reported that over 20% of nursing home residents experience at least one case of nursing home abuse. To do your part to prevent your elderly loved one from experiencing abuse, there are steps you can take to protect them.
Take Your Time Choosing the Facility
Choosing the facility your loved one will live and be cared for should be a difficult decision that involves a lot of research. You should do your due diligence in screening both the nursing home and the caregivers working with your family member.
Visit the Nursing Home in Person
Researching is a great start in choosing the best nursing home for your loved one but visiting in person will bring to light any issues that they can hide online. If the facility appears unorganized or unclean, it may not be the best choice for your family member.
Stay Local
If possible, choose a facility close to home so you can get there quickly if an emergency occurs. A nearby facility will also encourage you to visit with your loved one more often, which will make it more likely to catch instances of suspicious behavior that may cause your loved one harm or distress.
Visit Often
The adjustment to living in a nursing home can be difficult for people. Visiting as often as you can help ease your loved one into their new home. This will also allow you to recognize any abuse going on.
Visit At Different Times
While you should visit often, varying the days and times you visit will make it more likely for you to catch any abuse going on behind the scenes. If you come at the same time and days, the abusers may learn to hide any signs while you are visiting.
Know Your Loved One’s Needs
Different facilities will have different amenities and features to offer residents. You should be aware of your loved one’s medical needs, hobbies, and any other preference they may have when choosing the facility they will live at.
Help With Finances
Financial abuse is one of the most overlooked forms of nursing home abuse, but you can help by offering help where you can with their finances. If your loved one cannot manage their own finances, be diligent about managing and keeping track of them for your family members.
Get Help from South Florida Nursing Home Abuse Lawyers
Your elderly loved one deserves to be safe and cared for when they go into a nursing home. If your family member is experiencing nursing home abuse at the hands of their caretakers, contact an experienced nursing home abuse lawyer to get help with your claim.
Baker Legal Team is a South Florida nursing home abuse law firm with over 30 years of experience helping clients seek justice for their elderly loved ones. Board-certified attorney, Robert Baker is proud to provide clients with the award-winning representation they deserve. To schedule a free case evaluation, contact us here or call (561) 320-0000.